README also available [here]( # Still Box ## Torrent description In addition to this `README`, this torrent contains 4 datasets: |Name |Image size (px)|Scene number|Size compressed (B)|Total size (B)| |:-----------|--------------:|-----------:|------------------:|-------------:| |`64.tar.xz` | 64x64 | 80K | 9.8G | 19G | |`128.tar.xz`| 128x128 | 20K | 7.1G | 12G | |`256.tar.xz`| 256x256 | 3.2K | 5.0G | 8.5G | |`512.tar.xz`| 512x512 | 3.2K | 19G | 33G | ## Dataset description Each dataset consists in 16 folders. Each of these folders will have a `metadata.json` file to describe the content of the folder ```json { "args": {}, "scenes":[], "fov": 90, "scenes_nb": 5000, "resolution":[64,64] } ``` * fov is in degrees (it's 90 throughout all the different datasets) * resolution is in pixels * args is a dump of the settings of the scenes when it was generated Each element of the list of scenes has the same structure ```json { "depth": [], "imgs":[], "length":10, "speed": [x,y,z], "time_step":0.1 } ``` * `depth` and `imgs` are lists of file paths. they should be of the same length specified in `length`, and the *n*th element of `depth` should match the *n*th element of `imgs` * `speed` is a 3D vector, coordinates are in m/s, defined in [Right Up Forward] system, relative to the camera * `time_step` is the time between each frame. To get 3D displacement between two frames, you can compute it with `displacement = shift * time_step * speed` `args` has this structure (among other options) ```json { "clip": [0.1, 200], "meshes_nb": 20, "meshes_var": [4.0, 15.0], "texture_ratio": 0.5 } ``` * `clip` is clipping distance, objects as near as 0.1m or as far as 200m won't appear * `meshe_nb` is the number of shapes in each scene, you may not see all of the same at once in the frames * `meshes_ver` is the variation in *size* and *position* of the meshes of the scene. Both in meters * `texture_ratio` is the ratio of textured shapes. Other shapes have a unified color texture ## How to use * See a training example on [Github]() * More info about the project [here](